Friday, 22 August 2008

Dispatches from the land of no internet

The PPCC is currently in a land where the internet fears to tread, and therefore we are incapable of bringing you your periodic injection of irreverent and shameless cinephiliac devotion.

But never fear! The robot monkeys are busy typing away, internet or no internet. Hence we are pleased to announce:

Coming soon (like, next week) to a PPCC near you

1. Haseena Maan Jayegi, 1960s, Shashi Kapoor, Babita, Johnny Walker. A tale of two Shashis, a comedy of errors with a Freudian-Buddhist twist. The PPCC loved this one.
2. Kranti, 1970s, Manoj Kumar, Hema Malini, Dilip Kumar, Shashi Kapoor, Parveen Babi, a bunch of other people. Manoj's provocative British Raj fiction, featuring much needless suffering and blunt racism. The PPCC was not so keen on this one.
3. Ratatouille, 2007, Pixar's big hit from last year. About a tiny French rat with big dreams. Oh, Ratatouille. Where have you been all my life?
4. Silver Streak, 1970s, Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. We love the Pryor-Wilder (Prylder?) pair, but this film left something to be desired.

...and many, many more!


  1. You and me both, sister! I'm currently Internetless at home and have been dragging my laptop to the coffee shop down the street... *grumble*

    PS My Pran shirt has arrived!

  2. waaaaaaheeeyyy for kranti! i adore that idiotic movie thats a stabs manoj's purab aur pacchim philosophy of "all english ppl aren't bad" down but the message here seems to be "Indians unite and kill the white man" i love that manoj had a bromance crush n dilip kumar and cast him in the movie. the face-off between the two is just great and sword-fighty! and shashi is wonderful in military outfits

  3. Oh, no internet is very sad. I hope you have access again, soon. Part of this is very selfish, as I really enjoy reading your stuff; and I miss it.

  4. Can't wait! I love how you do Bollywood and sometimes children's films like Ratatouille and Enchanted. Being a mom of a three year old, and a Bollywood lover, your writing speaks to me!:)

    Will look forward to the PPCC's return!

  5. FilmiGirl - OMG how does it look?! And double-OMG, guess what was on TV last night: Victoria No.203!

    Rum - OooMG, Kranti. I felt so horrible for all that hate they kept projcting at poor, hapless Tom Altern. Leave him alone, he can't help being white! Manoj bromanced Dilip? How sweet! It certainly shows; Dilip had the cushiest role. I quite liked Shashi when when he cried in his mother's arms. Sigh, tho thweet.

    Gebruss - Danke! Unfortunately my stay in this internetless land has been extended, but will return shortly.

    Nida - Oh, I suppose I do! I don't even think of Ratatouille and Enchanted as strictly children's films, they're both so delightful. And, as always, the PPCC motto is "any film, anytime", it's only that we are occasionally eaten by Hindi films (as happens, you know).
